What Is Overnight Oxygen Saturation Monitoring?

It is important to check the overnight saturation of oxygen in the blood to determine the health status of a person and effectiveness of their treatments. As a person rests, the levels of oxygen in their blood may vary depending on their health, and therefore, knowing their status will help them to stay safe. Through overnight oxygen saturation monitoring, doctors have been able to detect respiratory diseases, even when they are still at their initial stages, and monitor current treatments.
Oxygen Therapy
This is the reason some patients are put on home oxygen therapy to improve their condition. In addition to that, this monitoring provides necessary information for doctors to decide whether to continue, change, or stop treatment. One of the best things about this therapy is that it is a simple one, and it will not interfere with your comfort. For example, you will be able to sleep as usual, even though you are monitoring oxygen saturation at the same time.
What is an Oximeter?
An oximeter is a device that is used to monitor the levels of oxygen saturation in the body overnight. It is a standard device in hospitals, both outpatients and inpatients. Because of recent innovations with in-home care, doctors can now recommend personal oximeter devices for use at home because it does not require any technical expertise to use. Even though it is a small device that attaches to a body part such as your wrist, it is accurate in detecting the slightest changes in pulse rates, and therefore, it can tell the amount of oxygen being transported to every body part.
Track Oxygen Supply to Body Parts
Oximeters have proven to be effective when monitoting body parts such as the legs. With this device, you do not only have a tool to check oxygen levels during sleep, but one that conducts spot-checks when you wake up too. Because of that, this tool has helped to save lots of lives and improve the health of those who suffered from respiratory diseases.
The Advantages of Overnight Oxygen Saturation Monitoring
The most significant advantage of overnight oxygen saturation monitoring is the fact that it is a non-invasive solution. By that, we mean that there are no surgical or medical procedures involved. As long as you have the sensor attached to your body, and it is sending data to the storage device, you are good to go!
It is because of this style of operation that the process is 100% safe and painless for people regardless of age. In addition to that, it is one of the most straightforward strategies you can ever go through. This device plays such vital a role, yet you can use it in the comfort of your house. The fact that it does not restrict mobility makes it even better.
The bottom line is that overnight oxygen saturation monitoring is a vital process for everyone who cares about their health. For patients, it is critical to understand the effectiveness of your current treatment, and have easy access to oxygen saturation monitoring. Being able to provide your doctor with this additional data plays an important role in the success of your treatment and sustaining your long-term health.