Measuring Your Blood Oxygen Levels at Home with LOOKEE® Pulse Oximeters

Measuring Your Blood Oxygen Levels at Home with LOOKEE® Pulse Oximeters

Your Sp02 level indicates the level of oxygen saturation within your blood. When the lungs do not receive or cannot take in a sufficient amount of oxygen, it cannot oxygenate the blood. A few causes include sleep apnea, lung disease and the extensive use of harmful narcotics. 

When left untreated, low oxygen levels can lead to a number of health risks. Hence, it is important to measure Sp02 levels regularly so that a medical professional can be contacted when necessary, and that’s where the LOOKEE® Pulse Oximeters can help give you peace of mind.

Pulse Oximetry and COVID-19

It seemed as if the use of pulse oximeters only became prevalent amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The truth is, hospitals have always used these devices, but government authorities encouraged people to purchase portable versions since COVID-19 was classified as a potentially life-threatening respiratory illness. Different variants were capable of infecting both the upper and lower respiratory tract. Symptoms of the virus ranged from a mild cough to severe cases of pneumonia.

When faced with conditions such as bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis or other respiratory diseases, the lungs become damaged and our oxygen intake is disrupted. Hence, they cannot oxygenate the blood sufficiently. This results in hypoxemia i.e., low blood oxygen levels.

Sleep Apnea & Hypoxemia

Sleep apnea is characterized by the repeated obstruction of the pharyngeal or upper airway during sleep. When the muscles in the throat relax, they can no longer support the surrounding tissue. Once this occurs, the airway collapses, making it impossible to breathe. Individuals who suffer from sleep apnea experience this repetitively throughout the night and usually wake up gasping for air.

While poor sleep quality is one of the major symptoms of sleep apnea, its long-term effects can severely impact the body by causing other risk factors such as low blood oxygen. Since the airway is obstructed during sleep apnea episodes, the body’s oxygen intake is reduced. Repeated episodes over time can lead to the development of hypoxemia as the body is continuously deprived of oxygen.

To prevent sleep apnea episodes, many patients have invested in sleep monitors. Once the LOOKEE® Ring-Pro Sleep Oxygen Monitor  detects an abnormal drop in oxygen levels, it automatically sends a gentle vibration, alerting the patient to change their sleeping position and prevent an apnea event from occurring.

By making use of medical-grade high-resolution sensors and a built-in app that records sleep activity, patients can easily review their oxygen saturation levels and present reports to healthcare professionals. 

Symptoms of Hypoxemia

Symptoms may vary according to the specific type of hypoxemia present and its severity. However, if you notice the following symptoms, it would be wise to measure your Spo2 levels and contact a physician if need be.

  • Breathing difficulties and shortness of breath.
  • Coughing.
  • Wheezing.
  • Rapid heartbeats.
  • Feeling disoriented, dazed, or confused.
  • Cyanosis (bluish skin).
  • Headaches.

How Do Pulse Oximeters Work?

All pulse oximeters make use of probes with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that shine red light through the finger's tissue. Sensors on the opposite end of the probe interpret this light, measuring changes in the light absorption in oxygenated or deoxygenated blood. After this is done, the device can determine how much of the blood's hemoglobin is saturated with oxygen.

Pulse oximetry devices display the SpO2 measurement as a simple percentage. If an individual's red blood cells contain 94% oxygenated and 6% deoxygenated hemoglobin, their SpO2 would be 94%. According to The American Thoracic Society, healthy Sp02 levels are around 95 to 100 percent, but blood-oxygen levels below 89 percent could be potentially harmful. 

LOOKEE® Tech's Finger Pulse Oximeters

FDA Approved in the US and licensed for sale in Canada, the LOOKEE® Fingertip Pulse Oximeters are perfect for spot-checking oxygen saturation levels and heart rate at any given time. Devices such as the LOOKEE® A310 Premium Fingertip Pulse Oximeter feature top-grade LEDs and sensors that allow for SpO2 and pulse rate measurement at low blood perfusion indexes. They also come with a built-in plethysmograph to ensure accurate readings.

If our SpO2 pulse oximeters detect abnormal vitals, an alarm will go off, making them perfect for individuals who suffer from sleep apnea events or asthma attacks. Since our oximeters are extremely portable, athletes can use them to keep track of their health stats while training.

How To Take A Reading

  1. Remove any jewelry or nail polish from your index or middle finger.
  2. Make sure that the hand being used to measure is relaxed, warm, and at a position below the heart.
  3. Clip one of LOOKEE® Tech's finger pulse oximeters onto your finger.
  4. After a few seconds, the device will display your current oxygen saturation level and your heart rate.
  5. Remove the oxygen pulse monitor once the test is over.
