The LOOKEE® BabyO2™ Baby Oxygen Monitor Review

Trusted by parents around the world, the LOOKEE® BabyO2™ Baby Oxygen Monitor is a ground-breaking baby monitor. Every single second, it checks in on your baby by determining blood oxygen levels. But wait… there's more! Extra features include a mobile app, free software, audio alarm and app notification, heart rate monitoring, and a design customized for children 0 to 3 years old.
Day or night, you can achieve peace of mind with this incredible device. Put your worries at ease, even while you sleep, with continuous tracking. Whether you're attending to other matters or trying to get a little shut eye yourself, it's the ideal way to keep your baby safe. For a variety of key indications regarding health, it monitors your baby every second. You will instantly be notified via the monitor and app if anything goes outside of zones considered ideally safe.
The above is the description provided by LOOKEE for their LOOKEE® BabyO2™ Baby Oxygen Monitor. We are going to look further into the usage of the device and some reviews.
Device Use
With nothing more than a glance, you don't always know how your baby feels. With the LOOKEE® BabyO2™ Baby Oxygen Monitor, however, you can keep an eye on things – literally – which you can't ordinarily detect. Every second during monitoring, it checks on your baby.
In the first few years, anxiety is normal for many parents. This device helps lift the stress – particularly at night – so you can enjoy parenthood. For a better start to each and every day, you wake up more refreshed and assured.
With two main sizes of soft wraps, this device grows with your infant. For a precision fit, Velcro is used. It's perfect for your baby up until three years of age.
It feels, to your baby, just like a sock. The material used is gentle and breathable. A built-in alarm alerts you should the device happen to fall off. You can expect approximately 16 hours of operation with the built-in battery.
The LOOKEE® BabyO2™ Baby Oxygen Monitor gives you instant access to your child's alarm settings, history, and insights by connecting via wireless technology 4.0. That means that perimeters can be set regarding reminders, volume levels, and notifications.
Your baby’s detailed sleep reports and insights can quickly be accessed and then exported into CSV or PDF files. To better understand the activity levels and health of your baby, you can then easily share these with your doctor.
The Product Review
Let's get to how the LOOKEE® BabyO2™ Baby Oxygen Monitor has fared in reviews:
"So far – we love it! Rather than an Owlet, we went with this device. So glad we did! It's a comfort for us, as new parents, and is adaptable to our phones. There is no fuss, no muss. It fits perfectly on our baby’s leg and provides him – and us – with comfort."
"We ordered this immediately because, after being born, our son had low oxygen levels while still hospitalized. By the time we left, he ended up being fine. But we couldn't get it out of our heads! This has been a true blessing. It's not an every night thing, but it certainly comes in handy if we start to get anxious or just want that added assurance."
My Opinion
For new moms, this could be an absolute must. You may have no idea how to handle it when your child is ready to move into their own room (provided they've been sleeping in a crib in your bedroom). Knowing that you can check in on your child throughout the night will give you peace of mind.
As mentioned earlier, this could also help you sleep better. If there's one thing new parents are usually short on, it's adequate amounts of sleep.
Note: For older children, check out the LOOKEE® Smart KidsO2™ Sleep & Activity Oxygen Monitor.