Signs That Your Child Has Low Oxygen Levels

If your child’s oxygen levels are low, they are likely experiencing respiratory distress. This could indicate a more serious condition, hence you should always be able to tell and act quickly when you identify signs of low oxygen levels. In this article, we share with you some signs to look out for that point towards your child not getting enough oxygen.
Identifying Respiratory Distress
When a child is struggling to take in sufficient oxygen, below are some of the common signs:
- Increased breathing rate: When a child is having trouble taking in oxygen, their number of breaths per minute may increase as their body fights to inhale as much as possible.
- Increased heart rate: When there is less oxygen in the body, the heart has to pump faster to circulate this limited supply. If your child’s chest is pumping up and down abnormally, it can be a sign of low oxygen levels.
- Nose flaring: Does your child’s nostrils spread open while they breathe? If so, it can be a sign of physical difficulty with breathing.
- Clammy sweat: Is your child sweating, yet they do not feel warm? Instead, their skin feels cool and clammy to the touch. That is a common sign of increased breathing.
- Change in color to skin and lips: If your child’s lips have gone pale or turned an unusual shade of blue, that should be a major red flag. In addition, the skin can appear pale or take on a grayish tinge.
- Wheezing and grunting sounds: Do you hear a wheezing, whistling sound each time your child breathes in? If so, it can be an indication the air passages are smaller, making it harder for them to take in oxygen. On the other hand, if there is a grunting sound when they exhale, it is the body’s way of trying to keep the lungs open in order to take in more air.
- Neck muscle movement: Does the muscles on your child’s neck appear to be moving when they breathe in? This can extend to the muscles around the rib cage as well.
- Fatigue and loss of alertness: If your child does not seem to be as responsive as usual, showing signs of fatigue, they may be experiencing respiratory distress.
LOOKEE® Sleep Oxygen Monitor for Children Aged 3-10 Years
If your child requires extra care due to sleep apnea or a heart condition that affects oxygen levels, the LOOKEE® sleep oxygen monitor for children is the solution you are looking for. Keeping track of their oxygen levels, heart rate and movement while you sleep, the monitor instantly alerts you if any of the readings leave an ideal zone. The device can be easily slipped on your child’s finger or toe, giving you peace of mind for a good night’s sleep.
At LOOKEE® Tech, all our sleep oxygen monitors are designed using the latest technology and come with one year warranty for your peace of mind. If you have any more questions regarding our products, please feel free to contact us.