Measure Your Health Stats On The Go With LOOKEE® Tech's Finger Pulse Oximeters

Measure Your Health Stats On The Go With LOOKEE® Tech's Finger Pulse Oximeters

"When you are in the middle of COVID-19 and cannot get any definite answers on how to handle this disease, this little device was a God sent." - Belinda Alambar (another satisfied LOOKEE® customer).

Why Have Finger Pulse Oximeters Become A Household Essential?

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare devices such as blood oxygen monitors were rarely seen out of hospital rooms. Once it was made clear that the Coronavirus could severely affect an individual's lungs, and in turn, their breathing, at-home pulse oximeters proved to be helpful in monitoring the body's oxygen levels and heart rate.

As more and more people began testing positive, their prescribed treatment would often include having an oximeter such as the LOOKEE® A310 Premium Fingertip Pulse Oximeter on standby. This would allow them to easily get an indication of whether their current SpO2 levels fall within an acceptable range. These clip-like devices are not only being used to monitor symptoms of the Coronavirus. In hospitals, they have been used for respiratory conditions such as chronic asthma, lung cancer, pneumonia, and even congenital heart disease. 

How Do Pulse Oximeters Work?

Also known as oxygen saturation monitors, oximeters measure the body's SpO2 levels. Oxygen saturation is the amount of oxygen contained in the hemoglobin of the blood. All pulse oximeters make use of probes with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that shine red light through the finger's tissue. Sensors on the opposite end of the probe interpret this light, measuring changes in the light absorption in oxygenated or deoxygenated blood. After this is done, the device can determine how much of the blood's hemoglobin is saturated with oxygen.

Pulse oximetry devices display the SpO2 measurement as a simple percentage. If an individual's red blood cells contain 94% oxygenated and 6% deoxygenated hemoglobin, their SpO2 would be 94%. According to The American Thoracic Society, healthy Sp02 levels are around 95 to 100 percent, but blood-oxygen levels below 89 percent could be potentially harmful. 

LOOKEE® Tech's Finger Pulse Oximeters

FDA Approved in the US and licensed for sale in Canada, the LOOKEE® Fingertip Pulse Oximeters are perfect for spot-checking oxygen saturation levels and heart rate at any given time. Devices such as the LOOKEE® A310 Premium Fingertip Pulse Oximeter feature top-grade LEDs and sensors that allow for SpO2 and pulse rate measurement at low blood perfusion indexes. They also come with a built-in plethysmograph to ensure accurate readings.

If our SpO2 pulse oximeters detect abnormal vitals, an alarm will go off, making them perfect for individuals who suffer from sleep apnea events or asthma attacks. Since our oximeters are extremely portable, athletes can use them to keep track of their health stats while training.

How To Take A Reading

  1. Remove any jewelry or nail polish from your index or middle finger.
  2. Make sure that the hand being used to measure is relaxed, warm, and at a position below the heart.
  3. Clip one of LOOKEE® Tech's finger pulse oximeters onto your finger.
  4. After a few seconds, the device will display your current oxygen saturation level and your heart rate.
  5. Remove the oxygen pulse monitor once the test is over.

Reference List:

WHO - Using Pulse Oximeters:

What Is Your Normal Oxygen Level:

Pulse Oximeter Accuracy and Limitations: FDA Safety Communication:,oxygen%20carried%20in%20the%20blood.

Pulse Oximetry: Purpose, Uses, and How to Take a Reading :
